Micro office transformer Ludovico now for sale

Micro office transformer Ludovico now for sale

micro office ludovico transformer
The Ludovico micro office transformer is now available in Canada and the USA. This is a spectacular design from Claudio Sibille has won the prestigous golden A’ award in the furniture and home design category. And you can see why it won awards with its seemingly simple yet genius design.
ludovico micro office chair
Starting out as what appears to be a nice filing cabinet, the Ludovico converts into a full office. The chair is tucked away inside the cabinet and pulls out from inside. Then the folding desk attached to the the side lifts up into place and now you have a full office work space. There is room on the top opening to leave a cushion for the table or have some books or a laptop inside. If you did not think you had room for an office in your home you have to think again. The Ludovico office is truly made to work anywhere even in a micro apartment and will open up space in your home with its clever design.

You can find out more, including videos, about this micro office at Expand Furniture